Visual Literacy of Trends

This body of artwork titled “Visual Literacy of Trends” originally took the form of a large installation By Ryan Foote during the 2009 L’Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival as part of their culture program, located in Melbourne’s Docklands in the old goods shed for one week only.

Foote’s installation consisted of a 20m long roll of watercolour paper rolled out taking on a similar scale to a runway.
Over the Fashion Festival Foote progressively worked on the paper creating new content daily laying opulent culture of food, fashion, art, design, and visual literacy into the artwork. Foote photographed these things of inspiration and then digitally drew over them creating unique silhouetted line drawings that were then hidden within the developing 20m long print, certain images were then inked over revealing some of the hidden imagery. (more can be found about it here)

In 2014 Foote revisited this installation and formed a series of resulting stand-alone artworks that came from that installation, each unique and individually numbered in relation to their location from the original print.


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Objects of desire